Be Good Do Good
The Divine Life Society of Australia in Sydney was formed with the Divine blessings received from His Holiness Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj on 16th May 1997. The society's founding came about thanks to inspiration, effort and support from many local devotees of Gurudev and H. H. Swami Chidananda.
Our Principles
Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realise; Be good, Do good, Be kind, Be compassionate.
- Swami Sivananda
What is Divine Life.
Divine Life is the perfect life led according to the laws of Truth.
Divine Life is life immortal, in which the ideal state of perfection and the expansion of the self in infinity and eternity is attained.
Divine Life is life in tune with the infinite.
It represents the synthesis of the fundamentals of all religions.
It represents the principles of dharma.
It has no creed of its own, but it represents the essence of all creeds.
It is a means to attain the true ideal of all beings, viz., God-realization.
It lays the greatest emphasis on each individual perfecting himself.
It teaches you how to control your mind by concentrating all your attention on the inner Atman.
Divine Life means a good life together with self-discipline and an inner awareness of the Atman.
Entertain divine thoughts; do virtuous actions. This is the gateway to Divine Life.
Right conduct, self-conquest, compassion, benevolence, pursuit of truth, service of humanity, meditation and self-enquiry: this is good living; this is Divine Life.
Divine Life aims at harmony, peace and concord.
Live in peace and harmony with your fellow beings. Radiate goodness of heart all around. This is Divine Life.